Sean Van Buggenum

Application Developer

C++ / Shell & Unix

Included are a number of example programs, scripts and c++ classes that demonstrate various skills or knowledge, or provide some useful capability.

Files  A Simple example of a Perl Script that converts web pages internal links from nasty un-movable absolute references, to nice relative ones!
Grid.h  A Simple 2 dimensional, Dynamic Container
Path.h  A File/Directory Path manager for UNIX Applications.
Socket.h & Socket.cpp  A Socket class for c++ to allow creation of Sockets, and ServerSockets in a similar fashion to Sockets in Java.
stokenizer.h & stokenizer.cpp  A StringTokenizer class for c++ to allow creation of String Tokenizers in a similar fashion the Java equivalent.
test.cgi  A Simple example cgi script.
Thread.h  A Thread class for c++ to allow creation of threads in a similar fashion to Threads in Java.